Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How can a podcast be beneficial to my career

Podcasting is an online audio content that is delivered via an RSS feed. You can use podcasting as self-guided walking tours. Podcasting can also be used for music, and talk shows such as sportscasting, news coverage, etc. For my career, podcasting becomes useful and effective. I can create a real creative design and make a video and post it on the internet and get feed back. It can provide me with the information to either create better design or to keep coming with that certain type of style. In addition to using podcasting, I can talk about how I have an idea and tell the world (by recording audio) that it will becoming out at a certain or date. I can have people anticipate on my next work of design without sending letters or message to me about when the next time I coming out with a new design. With podcasting I have a plethora of opportunity's to get noticed by the right group of people, and if I do get noticed by the right group people, I will have opportunity's to have a great and successful jobs.